Source code for honcho.export.base

import re
import shlex
import sys

    import jinja2
except ImportError:
    print("honcho's 'export' command requires the jinja2 package,\n"
          "which you don't appear to have installed.\n"
          "To fix this, install honcho with the 'export' extra selected:\n"
          "    pip install honcho[export]\n",

[docs]class BaseExport(object): def __init__(self, template_dir=None, template_env=None): if template_env is not None: self._template_env = template_env return if template_dir is not None: loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader([template_dir]) else: loader = self.get_template_loader() self._template_env = _default_template_env(loader)
[docs] def get_template(self, path): """ Retrieve the template at the specified path. Returns an instance of :py:class:`Jinja2.Template` by default, but may be overridden by subclasses. """ return self._template_env.get_template(path)
[docs] def get_template_loader(self): raise NotImplementedError("You must implement a get_template_loader " "method.")
[docs] def render(self, processes, context): raise NotImplementedError("You must implement a render method.")
[docs]class File(object): def __init__(self, name, content, executable=False): = name self.content = content self.executable = executable
[docs]def dashrepl(value): """ Replace any non-word characters with a dash. """ patt = re.compile(r'\W', re.UNICODE) return re.sub(patt, '-', value)
[docs]def percentescape(value): """ Double any % signs. """ return value.replace('%', '%%')
def _default_template_env(loader): env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader) env.filters['shellquote'] = shlex.quote env.filters['dashrepl'] = dashrepl env.filters['percentescape'] = percentescape return env